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As part of 2015 National High School Activities Month, this week is designated as National Community Service/Youth Awareness Week. It is a week to give back to a community and show appreciation for their support of interscholastic programs. This week also can be used to promote fund-raising efforts that support interscholastic programs. In addition, this is a perfect opportunity to promote healthy lifestyles and prevention efforts.

What you can do:

Recognize business partners in program or announcements at contests or events
Offer a beneficial service to business partners, i.e., clean parking lot, cut grass, etc.
Offer free admission to event to representatives of program advertisers
Hold open house in gymnasium; invite alumni, businesses and media to attend
Learn more about high school activities on this website
Do radio (school) and TV PSAs (community access) with activities participants
Offer school souvenirs at auction
Put announcement on school marquee
Invite local print and electronic media to do a story on the event
Videotape and put on YouTube or on the school’s website
Offer pregame meal with nutritional analysis
Hold student workshops on health issues; recognize school nurse, trainer and team doctor
Offer students opportunity to “shadow” health professionals
Create and display bulletin boards and posters dealing with healthy lifestyle issues
Ask students to prepare resource directory of community agencies
Read a “health tip of the hour”
Hold assembly with guest speakers, such as nutritionists, local county health officials, and local college or university experts